Friday, March 26, 2010


Kieran is 31 weeks gestational age today and he had another mellow day. I actually have little to report - no news is good news, right!? I don't know if I should continue to update daily or just update every few days...we'll see.

Kieran's "outside womb"

31 weeks today!

Kieran gained 20 grams today, and he gained 20 grams the day before that. He is a little growing machine! He'll hit 3 lbs before we know it. He is up to 9 ml/2 hr for feedings. He and I just had a nice, mellow visit today - I changed a few diapers, took a few temperatures and had two kangaroo care sessions with him today. I am still in heaven each time I hold him so close!

Josh hasn't had a chance to post yet (can't blame him, he's so busy!) so he gave me permission to post these pictures from his visit with Kieran last night. I just melted when I saw these. There's something so special about seeing my two boys in their hats, hairy chest to hairy chest (okay, so Kieran doesn't really have a hairy chest...more like fuzzy.) Like father, like son!




  1. sooooo beautiful!!!!!!! XXOO Aunt Shelly

  2. he's beautiful! best of luck and I wish you both the best
