Friday, November 19, 2010

day 19 {a month of thanks}

I'm not very good at doing this daily, but oh well.

Day 19. I am thankful for childhood wonderment, and for getting to experience childhood things through my kids once again.

I didn't get a chance to post this last weekend, but we had our first snow in Minnesota last Saturday and of course Maia was THRILLED! When she first saw snow she squealed - so cute! (Then every morning since then, right after she wakes up, she runs to the window and screams "snow!!!!") I had to capture some pictures of my kids looking at the snow together - it was Kieran's first snowfall and he could definitely tell something was up as he looked out our big window! It was so fun watching them experience the first snowfall, something I've always looked forward to each fall/winter since I was a kid. What a treat to see the joy in their eyes!




Then we headed outdoors. Maia had so much fun!



Hard at work with her plastic shovel.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Brittany, this is just TOO sweet and adorable!!! I love ALL these pictures! <3
