Tuesday, August 31, 2010

big ambitions

It's been over 2 months but I haven't forgotten about our family blog - this summer just really got the best of me! Oh, and we moved mid-August, so that really kept us busy for awhile. I truly enjoy blogging, though, and updating the people it's harder to stay in touch with. It's also a nice place for me to update on my crafts and sewing projects as well. So I did something sort of crazy: I committed to blogging every day in September to get back in the habit (along with nearly 30 other bloggers!) Thanks to fellow preemie mom Tina over at The Carstens Clan for the push!

Sure, I might have school starting up again (almost a senior in college, woohoo!) and my house is still an unpacked mess, but I think this is going to be fun!

I leave you with a super cute phone picture from Friday of
Kieran - who is now 16 pounds & 25 inches long! He's 5.5 months actual age and 3 months adjusted, so he's doing pretty phenomenal in the weight department! He has an appointment to follow up on his enlarged kidney tomorrow - a lab draw, urine sample & ultrasound, to be specific. With the levels evening out and the kidney decreasing in size as of May, I'm sure we'll have favorable results :) He is such a healthy little dude now!

How cute is he!?

Alright, one day until September - here goes nothing! :)